Angry Steelers Fans Start Petition to Re-Play Last Season With New Coaches

Emboldened by a petition to remake the final season of Game of Thrones with new writers, a group of Steelers fans has launched a petition demanding the NFL let the team re-play its 2018-2019 season with “competent coaches that don’t suck shit.”

“I think that garbage ending spoke for itself,” said the petition’s author Craig Marker of the “anti-climactic” final week in the 2018 season. “There was all this potential for a showdown between the Steelers and the Patriots with everything on the line, but those frauds Tomlin and Butler just let the team get killed off by a Browns’ loss. If the NFL has any respect for its fans, they will hire the franchise some real coaches and let them do the thing over.”

Fellow petitioner Jack Sharp sensed that “things were off” with the most recent season during the first week.

“Players were acting completely out of character,” he contended. “Ben throws three picks; Boswell misses a field goal; the defense gives up 21 to the Browns — everything was out of whack. It was like the coaches took everything they had learned from the Steelers playbooks that made past seasons so fun to watch and shit all over it.”

“If you ask me,” Sharp added, “Tomlin and Butler seemed like they were too busy thinking about what NFL franchise they were going to get paid to ruin next.”

NFL pundit Amanda Thompson said she understands the fans’ emotional response, but noted the difficulty in concluding so many branching stories in a way that pleases everyone.

“Fans spent years building up their love and distaste for these players, so obviously they were going to have a strong reaction,” she said. “I know a lot of people didn’t like how the coaches handled the Bell and Brown parts in particular, but not every conflict can end in some gruesome injury or golden boy James Conner saving the day. To be honest, I thought going to the Jets and Raiders, respectively, was a fairly harsh demise for those two.”

Numerous comments on the petition suggested the NFL bring in Bill Cowher to guide the franchise through a potential re-play. Industry sources considered the scenario unlikely, however, as the coach has not completed a playbook since 2006.

1 Comment

  1. Go Harlo

    Can we redo that last Pens Game as well?

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