TROY HILL — The children of local woman Terry Eichenlaub surprised her this Mother’s Day morning with a 24-ounce can of Coors Light and pack of Newport cigarettes while she rested in bed, according to sources with a “heart full of love and probably a fair amount of tar.”

“I got the best kids a mother could wish for,” said Eichenlaub, enthusiastically asking them which cigarette she should try first. “For my birthday, they laid on the Aqua Net and perfume thick for me so I could keep taking shooters before heading out to Buckhead’s, and now this. I really do have the greatest—HEY, KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF BEFORE I SMACK ONE OF YINZ UPSIDE THE HEAD.”

As of press time, the Eichenlaub family had allegedly arranged a day of “riveting cinema” for the matriarch, starting with the 1998 Hell in Cell match between the Undertaker and Mankind.