FOX CHAPEL — Local mom Randi McCarthy surprised any trick-or-treaters from nearby Sharpsburg who visited her home this weekend by specifically “gifting” them a king-size copy of Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’ in lieu of candy, according to elementary school sources unsure what to do with it.

“The lady said she had something special for us,” said fourth-grader Tyler Lockhart, “but I’m not so sure what’s special about this giant book. I can’t even read it, but just looking at it makes me feel sad. Honestly, it might be worse than that guy up the street who gave us job applications.”

McCarthy believes the novel fit her understanding of the celebration’s spirit.

“Nothing says Halloween like showing kids that, with a little effort, they too can grow up to be a pirate, astronaut, or maybe, just maybe, a productive member of society who doesn’t merely suck wealth from the superior ruling class.”

“Who needs a Reese’s Cup,” she added, “when you’ve got the spiritually satisfying reminder that defending the value of one’s labor only hurts our country’s little conglomerates and tycoons?”

McCarthy noted that she regrets not having prepared more copies, as sources say she later had to pass out instead prints of the Wall Street Journal and, as a last resort, board editorials from the Post-Gazette.