Category: Nonsense (Page 6 of 17)

The P-U Editorial Board Proudly Endorses the Evisceration of Democracy

By Owner and Patriot, John R. Block


very few years, I make no little effort to convince myself that this hapless bastard we’ve so generously nicknamed ‘voting’ is a blessing, even if only to placate every odious lemming who mills aimlessly about, costing a hard-working oligarch charitable enough to employ the layabout a precious sixpence and himself any modicum of gratuity as I’m forced to suffer the indignity of heating some broth while my DoorDash order grows cold in the, no doubt, dungeon of his passenger seat.

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Yinzer Juliet Keeps Calling Romeo ‘Chief’

“Listen, chief, wherefore art thou Romeo?” asked Juliet impatiently. “Your dad’s a dick; just say you’re somebody else, aight?”

As of press time, Romeo had reportedly drunk poison thinking Juliet had taken her own life the same way. Sources say, however, she was just passed out from “pounding too much 151.”

Opinion: Sudden Death Is a Christmas Movie

Just hear me out, will ya?

Every year, my family wants to watch Scrooge mend his ways, Rudolph capture glory (apparently not a namesake thing), and Ralphie learn a valuable lesson. Yet every year they seem to forget about one holiday watershed that exudes nothing but Jesus-level infallibility: that’s right, I’m talking about Sudden Death — a street-illegal cinematic IROC oozing yuletide goodness.

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