Tag: wendy bell

Larry Richert Not Sure How He Supposed to Shoehorn QAnon Conspiracy Into King’s Ad

GREEN TREE — KDKA Radio Morning Show host Larry Richert has faced difficulty meeting the station’s request that he “squeeze a little” QAnon talking point into his live reads for King’s Family Restaurants to make up for missing content from since-fired Wendy Bell, according to sources unsure how to segue from purported pedophilia rings to chicken noodle soup.

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Maddy Judgeton on Pants

Certain free thought-influenced changes have altered Maddy’s take on masks (definitely not anything related to identity politics), BUT she won’t step defending her Constitutional rights when it comes to the lib-driven tyranny that defines wearing pants. If you’re a Coil member, check the video below! If not, then sign up here for just $5 to get tons of exclusive online comedy.

Maddy Judgeton – How to Protest

Whether on the air or yelling shrilly from her front porch, Maddy Judgeton never hesitates to give you the real, truth-seeking insight you can only get from a normative suburban woman who gets paid to be ‘edgy’ because people like listening to the news anymore. Today, Maddy tells you how to properly protest in the United States. (If you can’t see it, subscribe today at coil.com for access to this content and tons more satire:)

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