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Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts: Which App Is Best for Calling Your Kid’s Fall Sports Coach a Sack of Shit?

The PIAA’s announcement to carry on with its fall sports schedule as planned has excited residents throughout the Greater Pittsburgh Area. In the current environment, however, it’ll be hard for parents to interact in ways that feel meaningful. That’s why we’ve tested three popular video call apps to let you know how you might best tell your kid’s fall sports coach that they’re a useless sack of shit who couldn’t tell their ass from a hole in the ground.

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Maddy Judgeton on Pants

Certain free thought-influenced changes have altered Maddy’s take on masks (definitely not anything related to identity politics), BUT she won’t step defending her Constitutional rights when it comes to the lib-driven tyranny that defines wearing pants. If you’re a Coil member, check the video below! If not, then sign up here for just $5 to get tons of exclusive online comedy.

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