Category: Nonsense (Page 12 of 17)

I Fear My Children Are Growing Up in a World Where They Will Know Eli Manning as the ‘Football One’

As the father of two young children, I’ve learned to think proactively. Taking a trip, having guests, any potential kinks to the routine — you just get an inkling for what’s going to stir the pot, so to speak. That’s why, when I look ahead to my kids’ future, I can’t help but be absolutely terrified. That’s right, I’m afraid that my children will live in a world where they will call Eli Manning ‘the football one’ of the family. Even now, I shudder.

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Pittsburgh Christmas Hits — Let It Rain!

‘Tis the season…to celebrate 50 degrees on Christmas and increased volatility of weather patterns, locally and worldwide. Sure, it means the Earth is being irrevocably altered by humanity, but it also means more of Pittsburgh’s favorite — er, well, as least most common — wintertime mood-setter: rain! Take it all in with this (equally as depressingly) crooned hit, Let It Rain.

Can’t get enough? Right-click the bar below and select ‘Save Audio As…’ to download the track and so it can follow you everywhere — kind of like, you know, the rain.

“Let It Rain” for download!
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